The Movie Quote Contest Page

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Action/Adventure   Classics   Comedy   Drama/Romance   Foreign   Horror   Open   Sci-Fi/Fantasy   Western/War  
Quote #1, submitted by darklynoon (---) on Fri May 6 21:53:43 2016 PDT, is:

I have the benefit of being connected to myself, and my sister, but I know that connection may or may not last beyond this existence.

  Hint 1: medical student
  Hint 2: revenge
  Hint 3: body mod
  Hint 4: The answer is American Mary
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #2, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Sun Mar 6 16:32:36 2016 PST, is:

You know, you look great for a girl covered in giant fish brains.

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Louisiana swamp.
  Hint 2: Really big fish.
  Hint 3: Answer: Frankenfish
  Hint 4: The answer is Frankenfish
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #3, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Sun Mar 6 16:44:55 2016 PST, is:

This is not a happy cow.

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: The cow is being used for bait.
  Hint 2: Big hungry animal.
  Hint 3: Answer: Lake Placid
  Hint 4: The answer is Lake Placid
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #4, submitted by darklynoon (---) on Fri May 6 22:01:35 2016 PDT, is:

Why didn't he just say he was Christian?

  Hint 1: found footage
  Hint 2: foreign
  Hint 3: folklore
  Hint 4: The answer is Troll Hunter
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #5, submitted by Gunny (---) on Mon Sep 3 15:40:23 2018 PDT, is:

If there's much more of this, what say we turn ourselves in, and let them hang us. This is no life for murders.

  Hint 1: two murderers doing moonlighting as grave robbers
  Hint 2: Korloff gets a mate
  Hint 3: Elsa Lancaster is the Bride.
  Hint 4: The answer is Bride of Frankenstein
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #6, submitted by Marlo (---) on Tue Apr 10 13:40:13 2018 PDT, is:

I don't really get cold.

  Hint 1: School age kids
  Hint 2: Girl with a scary secret
  Hint 3: He makes a friend for life
  Hint 4: The answer is Let Me In
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #7, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Sun Mar 6 16:50:41 2016 PST, is:

Don't make me a widow on my weddin' day, Curtis.

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Stephen King story.
  Hint 2: Machines gone amuck.
  Hint 3: Answer: Maximum Overdrive
  Hint 4: The answer is Maximum Overdrive
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #8, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Sat Mar 5 05:47:17 2016 PST, is:

It's true, Chad. You're half hillbilly.

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Chad doesn't like hillbillies.
  Hint 2: College students think the title characters are dangerous.
  Hint 3: Answer: Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
  Hint 4: The answer is Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #9, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Sun Mar 6 16:28:57 2016 PST, is:

You're not to pee alone anymore. If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Speakee was attacked in the girls bathroom.
  Hint 2: First of a series.
  Hint 3: Answer: Scream
  Hint 4: The answer is Scream
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #10, submitted by snert68 (---) on Mon Nov 16 14:04:14 2020 PST, is:

No fair. No fair, no fair.

  Hint 1: Gage
  Hint 2: Spoken by a dead child
  Hint 3: His cat was named Church
  Hint 4: The answer is Pet Sematary
See the incorrect guesses and commentary

Action/Adventure   Classics   Comedy   Drama/Romance   Foreign   Horror   Open   Sci-Fi/Fantasy   Western/War  

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