The Movie Quote Contest Page

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Action/Adventure   Classics   Comedy   Drama/Romance   Foreign   Horror   Open   Sci-Fi/Fantasy   Western/War  
Quote #1, submitted by Gunny (---) on Wed May 4 13:49:12 2016 PDT, is:

Some ditched aircraft have floated so long, they had to be sunk by naval gunfire, as a menace to navigation.

  Hint 1: Aircraft in distress over the Pacific
  Hint 2: 1950's flim with ensemble cast
  Hint 3: Wayne is the co-pilot
  Hint 4: The answer is The High and the Mighty
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #2, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Sat Mar 5 05:50:01 2016 PST, is:

(A) I ain't never shot at nobody before. (B) If it helps, think of 'em like moving two-by-fours.

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Two friends who planned to spend the weekend working on a place B had just bought.
  Hint 2: Group of college kids think main characters are killers.
  Hint 3: 2010. Answer: Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
  Hint 4: The answer is Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #3, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Thu Mar 3 07:20:02 2016 PST, is:

(A) You can die with them or you can die for them. (B) Gosh, they're both so enticing.

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Almost the end of the movie.
  Hint 2: 2012 horror. Reading from strange books in the cellar is probably not a good idea.
  Hint 3: Answer: The Cabin in the Woods
  Hint 4: The answer is The Cabin in the Woods
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #4, submitted by Pulp9654 (---) on Sun Feb 28 10:22:51 2016 PST, is:

a: Have I told you about Sammy? b: Only about a million times

  Hint 1: b/w and colour movie
  Hint 2: memory loss
  Hint 3: Guy Pierce
  Hint 4: The answer is Memento
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #5, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Tue Mar 1 06:28:19 2016 PST, is:

A milk cow so I won't be lonely?

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Speaker wants to marry speakee's daughter.
  Hint 2: Musical. Russia. Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as a...
  Hint 3: Answer: Fiddler on the Roof
  Hint 4: The answer is Fiddler on the Roof
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #6, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Tue Mar 1 06:22:18 2016 PST, is:

Go like a bat out of you-know-where.

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Line is sung.
  Hint 2: Baseball. Baseball fan sells his soul to the devil.
  Hint 3: Answer: Damn Yankees
  Hint 4: The answer is Damn Yankees
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #7, submitted by Gunny (---) on Sat Jun 3 18:55:02 2017 PDT, is:

Your objective tonight is strategic. You can't give the enemy any breaks... Send him to hell.

  Hint 1: big cast ww2 flick
  Hint 2: The Duke giving final briefing to his paratroops.
  Hint 3: The Longest Day
  Hint 4: The answer is The Longest Day
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #8, submitted by Pulp9654 (---) on Sun Feb 28 10:35:05 2016 PST, is:

a: that's a hell of a way to treat a Vet man! b: you were an animal doctor? a: no a veteran, I was in Nam man b: what were you a drummerboy? You must have been 10 years old!

  Hint 1: urban rage
  Hint 2: man begging for money from the wrong guy on the wrong day
  Hint 3: Michael Douglas
  Hint 4: The answer is Falling Down
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #9, submitted by CalicoKat (---) on Tue Mar 1 06:13:33 2016 PST, is:

You do what Sally says and you end up, I think, in a prison cell.

The submitter has "updated" this quote.
  Hint 1: Sally has been giving romantic advice to speaker.
  Hint 2: Berlin.
  Hint 3: Musical. Answer: Cabaret
  Hint 4: The answer is Cabaret
See the incorrect guesses and commentary
Quote #10, submitted by Pulp9654 (---) on Thu Feb 25 06:31:33 2016 PST, is:

B: Why are we going to the desert? A: Go where the clues lead B: Dont any clues lead to the beach?

  Hint 1: crime caper
  Hint 2: heart transplant former detective
  Hint 3: Eastwood
  Hint 4: The answer is Blood Work
See the incorrect guesses and commentary

Action/Adventure   Classics   Comedy   Drama/Romance   Foreign   Horror   Open   Sci-Fi/Fantasy   Western/War  

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